
Chine entreprise (fournisseur) inspection et vérification de service - la première étape pour réduire vos risques d'affaires en Chine

La Chine est non seulement le plus grand exportateur, mais aussi le plus grand importateur de beaucoup de marchandises générales sur le glo...


שירותים עסקיים עברית

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Sverige företagstjänster

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Före leverans QC Inspection Service
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Provtagning Inspection Service
Loading Process Övervakning Tjänst
Affärs & turism
Inköps Agent
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CCC, AQSIQ och andra certifiering

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CCC, la AQSIQ y Otros Certificación

services aux entreprises en France

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Guide d'affaires
Business & Tourisme
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Saisie du marché de la Chine
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Publicité et Marketing Consulting
CCC, AQSIQ et autres certification

Российские бизнес-услуги

У нас есть опыт и профессиональные для Китая компании проверки и расследованияКомпания проверка ServiceФабричной инспекции или аудитБизнес-следственная службаИстория болезниРуководство по обслуживаниюSourcing ПоставщикиОн-лайн по выбору поставщиков услугOn-Site Sourcing службыСправедливо или шоу Представление Услуги
Управление контроля качества
Предотгрузочной инспекционная служба контроля качества
Во-производственного контроля качества инспекции
Предварительное производство QC Инспекционные
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CCC, AQSIQ и других сертификации

الخدمات التجارية العربية في الصين

نحن من ذوي الخبرة والمهنية للصين فحص الشركة والتحقيقشركة تحقق الخدمةمصنع التفتيش أو التدقيقدائرة التحقيق في الأعمالحالة على تقرير دليل الخدماتwww.chinabizcheckup.com
مصادر الموردون
على خط توريد الخدمات
في الموقع منبع الخدمة
عادلة أو عرض خدمة التمثيل
إدارة مراقبة الجودة
معالجات ما قبل الشحن دائرة التفتيش ومراقبة الجودة
أثناء الإنتاج ومراقبة الجودة دائرة التفتيش
مرحلة ما قبل الإنتاج دائرة التفتيش ومراقبة الجودة
دائرة التفتيش وأخذ العينات
تحميل خدمة الإشراف عملية
دليل الأعمال
سياحة عمل
خدمة عامل الشرائية
دخول السوق الصينية
تسجيل الشركة
العلامات التجارية وبراءات الاختراع والتسجيل
الاعلان والتسويق للاستشارات
CCC، الصحى وشهادة أخرى

Why Donald Trump can get an abnormal popular among Chinese.

As odd as it might sound, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, known for his bold speeches and outspokenness, is popular among some Chinese people.
Many may find this hard to believe, especially considering the unfriendly remarks he has made about China, such as repeatedly criticizing its "unfair and unlawful practice" of tariffs, accusing the country of "manipulating"its currency and threatening a 45-percent tariff on Chinese exports to the United States, the report noted.www.chinabizcheckup.com
So, how did Trump win the hearts of his Chinese fans? Let' s take a look at how the billionaire charmed his Chinese supporters.
-- A boss with business acumen
Some of Trump' s fans were impressed by his business acumen from watching his reality show "The Apprentice." Vennie Kang , a 22-year-old who works in Hong Kong, regarded him as confident, cool, controlling but business-savvy, the CNBC report said.
-- A seasoned deal maker
Some Chinese people value Trump' s experience as a businessman, noting that he really knows how to make deals and compromise. Most Chinese do not care about candidates' stances on U.S. domestic issues, and instead focus on the U.S.-Sino business relationship. In that regard, Trump might be a better option.
-- A successful "Fu Er Dai"
Trump's inherited wealth also caught the eyes of some Chinese people. He is regarded as a successful "Fu Er Dai," referring to a member of the second generation of a rich family. The term usually carries a negative implication that those people, who were born into wealthy families, spend extravagantly and don' t really possess impressive abilities. Trump' s past, however, demonstrates his capabilities and determination to succeed. His story is encouraging and inspiring for many.
-- The father of a popular daughter
The leading Republican candidate also won the hearts of some Chinese people due to his beautiful, well-educated daughter, Ivanka Trump, a 34-year-old successful businesswoman and tasteful designer with a happy family. Her popularity boosts her father' s reputation.

That is, most politicians knew not to say outlandish and offensive and dangerous things because they knew they'd be punished for it. As Rosen continues, "Those beliefs have now collapsed because Trump 'tested' and violated most of them -- and he is still leading in the polls."
Let  check the  following reasons why the  supporter choose Trump.
  1. A Liberal Who Wants America to Win––“I feel that Trump is our only hope in this next election. This is coming from someone who voted for Obama in the last election!”
  1. An Anarchist Who Revels in Destruction––“Like the joker from The Dark Knight, I just want to see the world burn.”
  1. Trump is Low Risk, High Reward––“I will vote for Donald Trump (and to a lesser extent Bernie Sanders) because he represents hope… And how much damage can he really do?”
  1. Trump Has a Drive for Perfection––“He will expect greatness from us, he will tell us how to get to great, he will inspire people to be better than they are and have the hope that their efforts will not be thwarted by bigger government.”
  1. ‘I Just Want to Watch the Chaos...’––“I'm a young guy who is immature, a bit antisocial, and with no plans for kids or a wife ever. At some level, I don’t really care how things go with America as long as it’s fun to watch.”
  1. Trump is a Moderate Compromiser––“His problem, according to the rest of the GOP, is that he wants single-payer health care and that he doesn’t want to completely defund Planned Parenthood. I don’t agree with him but why is it a bad thing to be moderate? A moderate has a special ability to be a liaison between the parties.”
  1. Trump is a Corrective to American Culture’s Pathologies––“The preeminence of political correctness among the culture class indicates a momentous shift away from formerly prominent middle-class cultural values towards something entirely different. Even if Donald Trump were to accomplish little in his presidency, there is a hope that were he president, he could in some way alter that prevailing Washington/media culture, and set a new cultural tone.”
  1. Trump Knows It’s All a Joke––“Many are right; it’s not about trusting Trump; it's a collective middle finger to the establishment… Trump isn't stupid, he gets it. He knows the more outrageous, the better.”
  1. Trump Embodies the Rage of the White Middle Class––“Politicians spend no time helping them. Black lives matter more and illegal immigrants who break the law get a free pass. Evangelicals in this country no longer feel they have the right to religious freedom and have watched what they perceive as a sacred institution in marriage gutted. All the while, politicians they voted for to represent them just plain don’t.”
  1. Desperate People Cast Desperate Votes––“Wall Street, the banks, and even illegal immigrants seem to be prospering more than the average American citizen. We are desperate.”
  1. Trump Has Successfully Run Large Organizations––“He leads an enormous, diversified organization that is worth billions. This requires leadership. Leadership, by the way, is different from knowledge. When you lead a large organization you set vision, goals and expect results. You do not know every detail of every level of your organization. You can’t. The world is just too complicated. You delegate and empower. You can get information when you need it and the president has no shortage of people ready to educate him on issues.”
  2. Trump is a Gamble Worth Taking––“I am of the belief that he is conceited and arrogant enough to avoid failing in front of the world at all cost.”
  1. Trump is Jay Gatsby––“Is it not better to place your chips on hopes and dreams rather than certain nightmares? Those of us who buy Trump’s vision, nearly to the point of blind trust, are loudly professing our disgust with the current immoral situations that taint and threaten our blueprint of the American dream.”
  1. Trump is Bizarro Obama––“He’s got what Obama had in 2007 except he doesn’t have the press adoring him.”
  1. Trump is the Picture of American Greatness––“Think about John F. Kennedy or Ronald Reagan inspiring the world with leadership. Think of Babe Ruth, Martin Luther King Jr., Fred Rogers. The American 20th Century was a great one. Now think about the American headlines of today. What do you think of? War? Poverty? Political division? Do we see greatness in America still on a daily basis or even in the movies? The Trump Family is the picture of the American Dream … When Donald Trump says that he wants to make America great again, I believe him.”
  1. Trump Will Govern as Steve Jobs Managed––“He will sucker in talent, tell them that their work is terrible, push them to achieve beyond what they think is possible, and then take credit for their successes as he tells America, and the world, that their projects are the best thing that has ever happened. This works. It’s not pretty, but it works.”
  1. Trump is an Alpha-Male Who Loves America, Unlike Obama––“Trump has never lied to me whereas all of the other Republican politicians (like McConnell & Boehner) have. They don’t fight for my side. Nobody fights for my side. Trump fights. Trump wins. I want an Alpha Male who is going to take it to the enemy. I am tired of supporting losers.”
  1. Trump Did Build That––“ONLY TRUMP has ever BUILT any REAL THINGS.”
  1. Trump Has Consistently Championed Protectionism––“On the two primary issues as to why I’m supporting Mr. Trump he has remained stunningly consistent.”
  1. Trump Put Illegal Immigration Front and Center––“We have horrendous problem with illegal aliens, sanctuary cities & crimes.”
  1. Trump Has the Tiger by the Tail––“The Tiger is the common working man that is tired of Politics and Washington continuing to screw us over... We want to give a businessman the chance to prove that this country can be great again!”
  1. Trump is Not Rehearsed––“What you see is what you see, all the cards are on the table.”
  1. Trump’s Nature is to Make the Best Deals Possible––“While Trump may very well have his own best interests at heart it’s ok: his best interest is our best interest and that best interest is our property values and our economy. When our economy tanks, his property values go DOWN! If anyone would be interested in saving our country, it would be someone whose salary is directly tied to the value of the country we call the USA!”
  1. Trump is the Lead in a Fabulous Mockumentary––“I’d vote for the candidate purely for the comedic value.”
  1. Bush Was a Disaster and Obama Felt Like One––“All a president has to do is not to be a completely incompetent moron, do a deal here and there, and make sure the most obvious things get done. It is really, really easy. But we can’t get a candidate through the party system that is not a completely incompetent moron. And no, we don’t think Donald Trump is in it to help us. Or anyone else other than himself. But he has his pride.”
  1. Trump is an Egomaniac––“Because he is ‘crazy impulsive’ he has no qualms to step on toes when he is on a roll, and correctness (neither political or ethical) enters in his objective.”
  1. 14 Reasons for Supporting Trump––“He oversees 20 thousand employees in multiple business entities in successful pursuit of 100’s of initiatives both domestic and worldwide.”
  1. Trump Has Successful Supporters––“I’m a college graduate, I have a Family, I work in an executive-level management position for a Fortune 500 company and I’m a homeowner. What I think you may find interesting is that I have a circle of friends, both men and women, who have similar concerns and backgrounds. We are all employed with excellent careers and we all are supporting Trump for President.”
  1. A Bernie Sanders Supporter Who’d Vote Trump Over Clinton––“While he might not deliver on his promises, he would certainly be a bull in the China shop of contemporary American politics, which has long needed destroying and rebuilding.”
  1. Trump Could Make the Speech Police Go Away––“I’m in my early 30s and I grew up in San Francisco in a liberal home. And I have a very difficult time keeping up with all the various appropriate and inappropriate terms used to reference people and their causes.Trump makes brash and uncompromising statements about issues many people feel very passionate about.”


Still worryng about your payment risk, products quality risk and loading risk in China?

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Best  solution in China !

lt s time to stop L/C fraud.Loading inspection services

An American manufacturer receives unsolicited offers from two Hebei-based companies for chemicals. This American manufacturer had been seeking out chemicals via Alibaba and that is presumably how it had been brought to the attention of the Hebei companies (company?). The Hebei companies send the American company samples of three chemicals. The American company tests them, finds them to spec, and acceptable to purchase.
The American company subsequently places an order for $750,000.00 worth of two of the three chemicals from the two Hebei companies. To protect itself (but not correctly), the American company uses an Irrevocable Letter of Credit, documents at sight.  What this means is that the Chinese bank must pay the Hebei companies as soon as they are presented with documents showing the product has been put on a ship for shipment to the United States. Or to put it even more simply, the Chinese companies get their money as soon as the material is on the boat.
And of course, this is what they do. The Hebei companies secure bank payment as soon as their materials are loaded.
Five weeks later, the American company receives its product, but upon opening it, realizes it has been sent 100 drums of water and 50 tons of some unidentifiable white powder.
The Hebei company that sent the white powder no longer responds to emails, faxes, or phone calls. A quick googling of their name reveals that it is a frequent topic on anti-scammer message boards. The Hebei company that sent the water responds, but only in the most evasive, time-buying manner.  After a few days, communication are lost with them as well.
See another story
Dear Sir

We purchased 5 tons of Chromium Oxide Green of USD 14150 from Tianjin Tengte Import & Export Trade Co Ltd through 100% L/C at sight dated 01/02/2014. They intentionally provided wrong material and less quantity. Now they are not replying my messages. I have all legal documents against them but since its a chinese company who will listen to our company ? Please give me a solution what should I do and take very strict against this company. I don’t think in future our company will purchase any material from china.

Seller Address:
Tianjin Tengte Import & Export Trade Co. Ltd.
1-1-1705 Dibei Li, Nankai District, Tianjin, China

Operational Office:
Operational Address: Binhai Xinqu Tanggu, Tianjin, China
Contact Person: Mary Wang
Mob: 18222750863
Tel: 0086-022-60980660
Fax: 0086-022-60980680
Contact Person: Clara, Cindy
Email: clara_tengte@aliyun.com, info@chinatengte.com
Website: http://www.tengtemetal.com/En/index.asp
The  third  story  as  following

We have dealt with a Chinese company in order to buying polypropylene granules (a kind of raw material) from china.

As you see in the attachments our deal was about 60 MT of the goods with the whole price of 60,600 USD.

We had opened our LC via our bank to them and the LC was LC at sight payable against the original full set of documents as bill of lading , certificate of inspection issued by CIQ organization and certificate of origin issued and certified by legal organizations in china.

The seller prepare all document and sent to his bank, then his bank sent the documents to our bank and ask for the price.

We checked the documents and see all of them are original without any discrepancies.

So our bank send the money to the seller.

When the goods arrived to our port we saw the amount and packing and every thing is not as our contract.

And the Chinese agent of the shipping company changed his BL and told us the original BL that was sent to your bank is fake !!!!!!!!! but the sale and signature of the shipping company is on our original BL.

Now we want to lawsuit against the seller immediately, please advise us the best way to claim.

He was scammed. L/C fraud.
Chinabizcheckup perform inspection throughout China for worldwide importers. Provide us with your specifications online, and our qualified inspectors and Auditors will perform production inspections and audits on your behalf, directly in the factory.

Free BENEFITS you can enjoy...Are you ready to open a good business in China now?

Although prices are moderately lower in China, it's quite a bad deal to establish an overseas office and hire staff to operate it for China procurement. The good news is that CHINABIZCHECKUP  offers a better alternative. Serving as an order fulfillment agent, CHINABIZCHECKUP also assists you in purchasing products from China. Based in the largest sourcing destination, CHINABIZCHECKUP makes the most of this favorable location, thus can efficiently locate suppliers and shorten the supply chain. And for this reason, CHINABIZCHECKUP allows you to cut off costs, enjoy professional procurement services, surely at the best prices, and gain great benefits from China.
Following  is  the famous trade fairs or expos you should  know

Canton Fair: www.cantonfair.org.cn     ----Complex
East China Fair: www.ecf.gov.cn     ----Complex
China Yiwu Fair: http://en.chinafairs.org     ----Complex
Furniture China (www.furniture-china.cn )    --- Furniture
CIFF (http://www.ciff-gz.com )         --- Furniture
FurniSup (www.gzfma.com)       ---- Furniture Raw Materials and Accessories
CIDE (http://www.door-expo.com )   ----- Door industry
Lock China (http://www.lock-china.net )  ----- Lock industry
MICAM Shanghai (www.micamonline.com.cn)   --- Footwear Industry
CIFL (www.cifl-expo.com )      ---- Footwear Industry
CIFF (www.ciffchina.com)        ---- Footwear Industry
SFF (http://www.ilse.com.cn)         ----- Footwear Industry
Shoe Tech http://shoetech.chinaleatherfair.com    ---Shoe materials and machinery
SLF (http://www.slfchinafair.com )         ----- Footwear Industry
DFM (http://www.dfmshow.com )        ----- Footwear materials and machinery
FLOWEXPO (www.flowexpo.org )
               ---  Valves, Pipe fittings, Fluid handling and control
FLUID (http://www.wsiee.com )
                ----Valves, Pipe fittings, Fluid handling and control
CDPVP (http://www.scfme.cn)
               ---- Valves, Pipe fittings, Fluid handling and control
   Or   http://www.fluid-sc.cn
Valve World (http://www.valve-world.net )  -- Valve Industry
Water China (http://www.waterchina-gz.com ) --- Water, Pipe, Pump, and Valve Industry
Tube China (www.tubechina.net)  ------ Tube Industry
CHPE (www.chpe.com.cn)   ---- Hosiery industry (socks)
Intertextile (http://www.intertextile.com.cn)   ---- Apparel fabrics and accessories
CHIC ( http://www.chiconline.com.cn )  --- Clothing and Accessories industry
SZIC (http://szic.cn)   --- Clothing industry
Canton Fabric (www.cantonfabric.com.cn )
                       ---- Apparel fabrics and accessories, yarns
Yarn Expo (www.yarnexpo.com.cn) --- Yarns, fabrics, dress materials, fibres
CINTE (http://www.cinte.com.cn)  --- Technical textiles and nonwoven industry
Home Textiles (http://www.intertextile-home.com.cn )
                       --- Home Textile and Accessories
CKCF (www.ckcf.cn )  ---- Underwear and home textile industry
SIFU (www.siuf.com) --- Underwear and intimate apparel etc
CHINA KNITTING (www.chinaknitting.com.cn) --- Knitting Industry
CTFE (www.shssny.com )  -- Textiles, fabrics and accessories industry
RHF http://www.rhfchinafair.com   -----Textile machinery, materials and accessories
Coat Expo (http://www.coatexpo.cn )  ----- Coating, Pigment industry
CIFE  (www.cifexpo.org )        --- Foodstuff
GIF (http://gzspz.com )         ---- Foodstuff
SIAL CHINA (www.sialchina.com)      --- Food and Beverage Industry
IBEC (http://www.ib-ec.com)
         - Beverage (wine, spirits, beer and other non-alcoholic beverages )
China Paper (http://www.chinapaperexpo.cn)        ---- Paper industry
CEF  (www.icef.com.cn)                     ---- Electronics
ICIF  (http://www.icif.cn/ )                   ---- Chemical Industry
Chem China ( http://www.chemchinaexpo.com )    ---- Chemical Industry
CPCA SHOW ( www.cpcashow.com )           ---- PCB, Electronic Assembly
ICE ASIA ( www.ice-x-asia.com )
          --- Paper, film, foil and non-wovens converting industry
IWE ASIA (www.winefair.com.cn)              ---- Wine & Spirits
CIADE (www.wine-expo.org )      -----Wine & Spirits
PCHi ( www.pchi-china.com/en/ )      ----- Cosmetics and personal care products
BJBE (www.bjmrz.com)      ---- Cosmetics, beauty and personal care products
CBE (www.cbebaiwen.com)    ---- Cosmetics, beauty and personal care products
CIHE&HVAC ( N/A ) --Solar & electricity, renewable energy, heating tech and equipment etc
CEMENT TECH (www.cementtech.org) ---- Cement-related products, equipments and machinery
CAC (www.agrochemshow.com)       ---- Agrochemical and crop protection products
ADEXPO (www.expo-ad.com )      ---- Advertising-related products
FIC (www.chinafoodadditives.com)     ---- Food ingredients, additives
APFE (http://www.zyexpo.com )
                ----Adhesive tapes, protective films, optical films etc, die-cutting
CONCRETE CHINA (www.concretechina.org) – Building materials, construction equipments
SEMICON CHINA (http://www.semiconchina.org) --- Semiconductor technology and products
FPD CHINA  (www.fpdchina.org )  ---- Flat panel display
FUR CHINA (www.fur-fair.com)  ----- Fur and leather products, raw materials
For more professional fairs, please click following link:


Be afraid of losing goods on shipment?Pre-shipment QC Inspection (PSI)

Be afraid of losing your goods at port?China Port Loading Process Supervision Service (LPS)

What is China Port Loading Process Supervision Service (LPS)?

What do we check during a Container Loading Supervision?

Quantity check, packing list check, the container conditions, the process of the loading (cartons conditions, filling-up level etc), a quick look at the packaging & packing of your products.
Please note that for complete QC checks on product specifications, labeling & marking and cosmetic (AQL) testing, you should book a standard inspection, such as a Pre-shipment inspection or During production inspection.  

What is the benefit of the Container Loading Supervision?

As your goods will travel for days or weeks to reach the final destination, a Container Loading Supervision in China and Asia will ensure the correct products and loaded and packed efficiently and that products are not damaged.

Highlights of this China Port Loading Process Supervision Service (LPS)

  • We provide the status of the container itself.
  • The right goods, no replacement of products possible.
  • The quantity of the boxes is exact.
  • The loading will be done with care (limitation of broken goods due to loading).
  • The inspector will call the office so that you get immediate feedback. If you read your e-mails quickly and if you have instructed your vendor to wait for your green light before shipping, you have a chance of stopping disasters.
  • The container is forwarded to your company.
  • We note whether a seal is affixed on the container.
  • We perform a final check on packing.


Why should I book the LPS?

You don't want your goods to be improperly loaded in a humid container with broken cartons and broken products. Save time and money and secure your imports with our Container Loading Supervision in China and Asia, while keeping pressure on your vendor to push for continual quality.


Loading Process Supervision Service means STIN inspector shall go to the factory's warehouse together with the shipper, overseeing the process of loading on behalf of the clients in China after they pay the factory. The purpose of a Supervision of Loading Process is to make sure the factory will deliver the right Quantity or Quality after the buyer pays the order.
        Key features for Loading Process Supervision Service:
       - Quantity check.
       - Package check
       - Record the container/ No. / truck No.
      - Check the inner and outer side of the container to see if there is any damage / wet / hole / peculiar smell etc.
      - Randomly draw and open some cartons to verify that the goods meet with clients’specification
      - Supervise the whole loading process
      - Seal the container with the custom’s seal
      - Record the unique seal No. and departure time of container.
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Are you starting your processing in China?How to evaluate the production capability and equipments in the factory?What is lPC?

Initial production check(IPC)  A visual check on the quality of components, materials, and accessories at the beginning of production against clients' specifications and/or reference sample. The IPC thus permits timely corrections and improvements before the mass cargo will be manufactured, any non-conformity is immediately reported so as to avoid delay in shipment.
In general, we will check the following aspects for IPC: Evaluate the production capability and equipments in the factory Check factory of quality control ability and executive status Check the accuracy of production facilities and equipments Audit production techniques and make sure the reasonable layout of factory QC person Check the qty and quality of raw materials and main components that will be used in your products, foreseeing any possible problems to avoid them, verifying that your products spec are being met early.

Why factory audit is so import for business Check up and products processing?

Factory audit is a procedure of quality inspection services, and include: Manufacturer's identification & background, Manpower, Production capability, Machinery, facilities & equipment, Manufacturing process & product lines, In-house quality control system such as testing & inspection, Management system & capability

The pre-audit 

Prior to a factory audit you will most likely be going through the process of supplier identification. This can include several aspects, such as contacting with factories by phone or e-mail, having factories complete questionnaires, and reviewing samples that have been manufactured by a factory and sent to you. It is a good idea to have any data you have collected during this pre-audit process organized and available during the audit.

Audit objectives

Make sure you know exactly what your objectives are before starting the audit. In general, the objective of any supplier-identification process (which often includes factory audit) is to identify a suitable manufacturing partner in China. If there are additional objectives based on your particular action plan, ensure they are documented and well understood by your team or third-party auditors.
What is a “suitable manufacturing partner?”There are a lot of mega-size and relatively professional factories in China. Keep in mind, however, that just because a factory has the most modern facilities and a staff that speaks English doesn’t mean it is the right fit for your company. The key to finding a suitable manufacturing partner is identifying people whom you feel comfortable with, and whose facility is a good fit for your needs.
Any factory audit in China should also include a chance for you or your company’s representatives to sit down face to face with the factory management. Not only will this allow you to collect data in regard to the more technical requirements of the audit, but it will also allow you and the factory personnel to introduce each other’s businesses at the highest level.

The technical review

This is the core of the audit, where most of the factory data are collected. It’s important to have a well-organized reporting format so that the data you get stay organized and are presentable within your organization.  Following are a few of the key areas of the technical review:
Business registration, ownership, and organizational structure. In this section you should identify the ownership breakdown of the organization, ensure business and manufacturing licenses held are current and appropriate, and identify current and previous customers and countries of export. It’s also beneficial to note the factory’s approximate sales volumes for the past and current year (both domestic and export sales). You may also want to review and photocopy the factory’s organizational chart.
Office departments and administration. Take note of the office staff present at the factory. Determine if the location you are visiting is simply a manufacturing location, or also includes some administrative and management functions. Review the logistical capabilities with factory management and review the appropriate paperwork.
Infrastructure, facilities, cleanliness, and security. Inquire about power outages at the facility and check for documentation. Check to see if the factory has its own power-generation capabilities, and if so, at what level. Note the general infrastructure of the buildings and equipment, and also the surrounding infrastructure such as roads, ports, and the local community. In regard to security, check the security guard areas and records. If required, check for other security measures such as video and automatic alarm systems.
Production, equipment, and capacity. This section can be completed in detail (e.g., measuring the output and capacity of each manufacturing step), as a general overview, or anywhere in between. The level of detail gathered should be sufficient for you to make future decisions about working with this factory. It’s important that when you’re evaluating capacity, you are doing it in regard to the item that you are expecting to produce. In this section, you should also take note of the factory’s production record keeping and organization.
Quality control, testing, and product standards awareness. Check for clear separation between quality control (QC) and production departments, and documentation to support it. Check records and documentation in regard to internal QC, in-process QC, and final QC. Evaluate the factory’s own testing facilities with regard to your product category. Determine if the factory is knowledgeable and confident in regard to the product and safety standards of your country.
Environmental controls and impact. This is another section that can either be completed as a basic overview or with detailed gathering and analysis of data. There are various third-party agencies that specialize in such audits. Points to note include equipment energy efficiency, building energy efficiency, disposal of waste and waste water, air pollution, and knowledge of local environmental standards and adherence to them.
Material supply chain. Take note of the main material suppliers for this factory. Evaluate the factory’s ability to deal with change in its supply chain. Check for documented systems for evaluating suppliers on a regular basis.