China Company Checkup / Verification service is a kind of verification services for checking out the Business License and Export License with local officials in China, this service can stop the client from professional scammers before placing any orders as CNBIZCHECKUP staff shall contact local officials for confirmation and verification in person. There are too many fake certificates, licenses or even diplomas in China, this is why lot of so-called Gold members online turned out to be a professional scammer after a deep investigation.
A basic Company Checkup (Verification) service can assure the client that whether his supplier or buyer is a legitimate company or not because CNBIZCHECKUP staff normally obtain their registered information directly from local government authorities by contacting local officials or agents. This service is catered for small orders and short term business relationship in China.
Their full registered information, basic export or import qualifications, company size, boss name, registered capital, bank account and other information shall be revealed in this service. Any sample report can be available upon request.
Why do you need a China Company Checkup / Verification service in China?
What can you do if you’re defrauded by your supplier from China? Yes, you can report your case to local officials and ask for official assistance. You can also take legal actions against your Chinese partners with enough proof. You can report his bad credit to local police station and get them jailed…
But please note that China is NOT an English speaking country and no matter what measures you will take against your Chinese partner, you have to know their full registered information both in Chinese and English first. This is why you need a Chinese Company Checkup (Verification) service from us. Local officials have to check their full registered information in Chinese first before helping you out. It is always important for you to know the registered information of your business partner in China before formal cooperation as there are lot of ‘fake’ of Business Licenses.